Category: 2019

IRA Annuity Stretch Disappears Quietly Into the Night

“We all got up to dance, Oh, but we never got the chance!” – Don McLean At the stroke of midnight on 12/31/2019, with the Presidential signing of the new fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill with the SECURE Act (Act) attached, the very last effective opportunity to preserve Stretch IRA rights for future decades and to complete a stretch IRA annuity with unlimited funds to any Beneficiary by purchasing a…

Longevity Insurance, Protect Me and My Kid too!

Longevity insurance protection is the purchase of a fixed and scheduled income (usually monthly) permanent annuity contract that is priced today and supports a known annual income many decades from now, all guaranteed by the issuing life insurance company. Typically, the initial annuity income payment date occurs on or after your age 80. Annuity pricing mechanics have to do with interest rates and an estimate of how long you and…

It’s Official: Ken Fisher Hates … Me! (A Fictional Conversation With Ken Fisher– Satire)

Several weeks ago, a feverish annuity agent/industry response was unleashed driven by the posting of the USA Today interview of Ken Fisher (KF), Founder, Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Fisher Investments titled; “Why I still hate annuities: Here are the reasons these investments are bogus”, on LinkedIn. This was, yet again, another annuity attack in a long series of such attacks spanning many years. A long-time Ken Fisher…

New Podcast Interview

David Macchia's Outstanding Advisor Podcast S01 E04 - Gary Mettler | Outstanding Advisor Podcast #004 >LISTEN HERE<
